Introduction To Total Return Swaps

The investor does not have to worry about parking the car, putting gas in the car, maintaining the car, or servicing the car. The investor does not pay luxury tax since the investor does not own the car. At the end of the lease, the investor must pay the lessor any depreciation in the value of the car. If the car has not depreciated in value, the investor pays nothing. A floating interest rate refers to a variable interest rate that changes over the duration of the debt obligation.

A TRS is a bilateral financial contract between a total return payer, and a total return receiver. The total return payer pays the total return of a reference security and receives a form of payment from the receiver of the total rate of return.

total return swap

If the TRS terminates due to a default, the total rate of return receiver, the investor, makes the total rate of return payer “whole” for the market risk and credit risk of the reference asset. The total rate of return receiver, the investor, is not the legal owner of the reference asset, any more than the lessee was the legal owner of the car. The TRS is an off-balance sheet transaction and the reference asset does not appear on the balance sheet of the receiver. At the maturity of the transaction, the total rate of return receiver may choose, but is not obligated, to purchase the reference asset at the then prevailing market price. There are several types of risk that parties in a TRS contract are subjected to.

Contract Definition

Say, however, that at the end of five years ABC Co. has fallen to $4 per share. Receiver will now issue to Payer a payment of $1,000 (reflecting the $1 per share decrease for the 1,000 shares involved in this total return swap). Receiver will now have paid a total of $4,000 for this deal and received $1,000 of income payments. A TRS, a total rate of return swap, allows an investor to enjoy all of the cash flow benefits of a security without actually owning the security. At the end of the TRS , the investor, the receiver of the TRS, must pay any decline in price to the TRS Payer. If there is no decline in price, the investor does not make a payment. If the security appreciates in price, the investor gets the difference between the original price and the new, higher price.

Investors can create new assets with a specific maturity not currently available in the market. By using this site, you are agreeing to security monitoring and auditing. Please declare your traffic by updating your user agent to include company specific information. This course will help attendees understand the three main challenges within ALM; liquidity, interest rate risk and optimising the balance sheet. You may change your billing preferences at any time in the Customer Center or call Customer Service. You will be notified in advance of any changes in rate or terms.

Investor Is Not The Legal Owner Of The Asset

The parties in a total return swap are generally referred to as the Receiver and the Payer. Both parties make payments to each other, and both receive payments from each other. Assume that two parties enter into a one-year total return swap in which one party receives the London Interbank Offered Rate in addition to a fixed margin of 2%. The other party receives the total return of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500) on a principal amount of $1 million. As discussed above, the main reason for receivers to enter a total return swap is leverage.

total return swap

It allows them to access large investments without having to stake large amounts of up-front capital. The total return contract will issue guaranteed income payments based on the underlying bonds’ coupon payments.

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Hedge funds do not disclose other assets on their balance sheets. The credit manager evaluating the credit of a hedge fund has nothing to go on. There is no way of knowing how many of these transactions have been done by the hedge fund.

He has contributed to outlets including The Street, CNBC, Glassdoor and Consumer Reports. Eric’s work focuses on the human impact of abstract issues, emphasizing analytical journalism that helps readers more fully understand their world and their money. He has reported from more than a dozen countries, with datelines that include Sao Paolo, Brazil; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Athens, Greece. A former attorney, before becoming a journalist Eric worked in securities litigation and white collar criminal defense with a pro bono specialty in human trafficking issues.

Hedge funds and SPVs are considered major players in the total return swap market, using TRS for leveraged balance sheet arbitrage. Usually, a hedge fund seeking exposure to particular assets pays for the exposure by leasing the assets from large institutional investors like investment banks and mutual funds. The hedge funds hope to earn high returns from leasing the asset, without having to pay the full price to own it, thus leveraging their investment. On the other hand, the asset owner expects to generate additional income in the form of LIBOR-based payments and getting a guarantee against capital losses.

  • In a total return swap, an investment bank could buy assets for a hedge fund, which is paid returns from the assets.
  • The credit manager evaluating the credit of a hedge fund has nothing to go on.
  • In this contract, the payer will pay out the total return of specified investment asset, including all income and capital gains.
  • Conversely, consider that rather than appreciating, the S&P 500 falls by 15%.
  • In the event of default of the reference asset prior to the maturity date of the TRS, the TRS usually terminates, but it need not necessarily terminate.
  • The Structured Query Language comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information…

The renter receives all the value of the underlying asset but ownership never actually transfers. The Asia Risk Awards recognise best practice in risk management and derivatives use by banks and financial institutions around the region. Investors gain efficient off-balance sheet exposure to a desired asset class such as syndicated loans, or high yield bonds to which they otherwise would not have access. Hedge funds (such as The Children’s Investment Fund ) have attempted to use Total Return Swaps to side-step public disclosure requirements enacted under the Williams Act. The United States District Court rejected this argument and enjoined TCI from further violations of Section 13 Securities Exchange Act and the SEC-Rule promulgated thereunder. TRORS can be categorised as a type of credit derivative, although the product combines both market risk and credit risk, and so is not a pure credit derivative.


Lower cost borrowers, with large balance sheets, are natural payers. An asset’s total return measures how much value it generates in total. Total return is one measure of an asset’s value to an investor. Total return swaps permit the party receiving the total return to benefit from the reference asset without owning it. Bonds have become one of the most popular underlying assets for total return swaps. When Payer receives his dividend payments, he issues a payment of $1,000 to Receiver ($1 per share for the 1,000 shares involved in this total return swap).

  • A hedge fund counterparty seems to be a perversion of the concept of credit derivatives.
  • Bonds have become one of the most popular underlying assets for total return swaps.
  • He has reported from more than a dozen countries, with datelines that include Sao Paolo, Brazil; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Athens, Greece.
  • An asset’s total return measures how much value it generates in total.
  • This can also allow them to begin generating immediate income instead of having to wait for eventual capital gains.
  • The parties in a total return swap are generally referred to as the Receiver and the Payer.

A total return swap is similar to a bullet swap; however, with a bullet swap, payment is postponed until the swap ends or the position closes. The receiver assumes systematic and credit risks, whereas the payer assumes no performance risk but takes on the credit exposure the receiver may be subject to.

Understanding Total Return Swaps

I’ve been to presentations where these are the only reasons cited for the motivation of the receiver of the total rate of return. But that’s like saying the reason you are driving a Porsche Targa around a race track is that it gets you around faster than walking.

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  • This is the financing charge for accessing the stock’s total return.
  • Investors can access entire asset classes by receiving the total return on an index.
  • On the opposite of the transaction, the counterparty receive payments of a reference interest rate payments that provide some protection against a potential loss of the underlying asset.
  • The definition of “damage” and the determination of the value of the “damaged” car are conditions the investor and the lessor negotiate at the beginning of the lease.
  • This means that the total return receiver does not have to lay out substantial capital to purchase the asset.
  • Then, you need to compute equity forward prices correctly by accounting for all discrete dividends.
  • The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation.

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Total Return Swap

An equity swap is an OTC contract between two parties to exchange a set of cash flows in the future. Normally one party pays the return based on capital gains and dividends realized on an equity security and the other party pays the return based on a floating interest rate plus a spread. Total return swaps or equity swaps give investors opportunity to capture the performance of an asset without actually owning it.

total return swap

CDO issuers enter into a TRS agreement as protection sellers in order to gain exposure to the underlying asset without having to purchase it. The issuers receive interest on the underlying asset while the asset owner mitigates against credit risk. While the TRS opens up distribution in the loan market, the total return receiver continues to be an important element in the structure. When a bank lays off the credit risk of a loan by paying the total rate of return to a hedge fund, how much risk does the bank reduce? Banks are in the business of providing finance and generally want to lay off risk in a cost effective manner. There is a reason for the high funding cost demanded of the hedge funds, however.

You may cancel your subscription at anytime by calling Customer Service. The definition of “damage” and the determination of the value of the “damaged” car are conditions the investor and the lessor negotiate at the beginning of the lease. In some cases, the lease agreement may allow the investor to purchase the car at the market value of the car at the end of the lease agreement. The method of determination of market value of the car is negotiated by the investor and the lessor before they sign the lease agreement.

In total return swaps, the underlying asset, referred to as the reference asset, is usually an equity index, loans, or bonds. A total return swap allows the party receiving the total return to gain exposure and benefit from a reference asset without actually owning it. These swaps are popular with hedge funds because they provide the benefit of a large exposure to an asset with a minimal cash outlay. The two parties involved in a total return swap are known as the total return payer and the total return receiver. In total return swaps, the underlying asset, referred to as the reference asset, is usually an equity index, a basket of loans, or bonds. The asset is owned by the party receiving the set rate payment.

What Is A Total Return Swap?

After one year, if LIBOR is 3.5% and the S&P 500 appreciates by 15%, the first party pays the second party 15% and receives 5.5%. The payment is netted at the end of the swap with the second party receiving a payment of $95,000, or [$1 million x (15% – 5.5%)]. Payer will pay to Receiver the total return of 1,000 shares of ABC Co. stock for the next five years. Receiver will pay to Payer $50 per month for the next five years. This is the financing charge for accessing the stock’s total return.

Once this has occurred, neither the payer nor the receiver has any additional obligation to the other party, and the TRS terminates. Total return swaps allow the party receiving the total return to gain exposure and benefit from a reference asset without actually having to own it. These swaps are popular with hedge funds because they get the benefit of a large exposure with a minimal cash outlay. A long-term investor who feels that a reference asset in portfolio may widen in spread in the short term, but then will recover, may enter into a TRS which is shorter than the maturity of the asset. The structure is flexible and does not require a sale of the asset. In this way the investor can lock in a return, yet take a temporary short-term negative view on an asset.

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At the maturity of the total rate of return swap – if it is not the same as the maturity of the asset – the investor can sell the asset and recognize the loss. An investor with a gain in a security can employ the same method to defer a gain while simultaneously protecting the value of the reference asset. The total return to the receiver includes interest payments on the underlying asset, plus any appreciation in the market value of the asset. Low cost borrowers with large global balance sheets are naturally advantaged as payers in TRS. Higher cost borrowers, such as hedge funds, enjoy the financing and leverage of the total return transaction.

What Are Total Return Swaps?

Equity swaps allow parties to potentially benefit from returns of an equity security without the need to own its shares. In general, a party enters an equity swap with the objective of either obtaining return exposure or hedge existing equity risk for a period of time. For all of this, the investor makes ongoing payments to the TRS Payer. The payments are analogous to the lease payments we discussed earlier. In the credit derivatives market, this payment is referred to as the floating rate payment, the financing cost, or the funding cost of the investor.

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