Payback Period Calculator: Find Payback Period with Formula

payback statistic calculator

It shows the number of years you will need to get that money back based on present returns. Our calculator uses the time value of money so you can see how well an investment is performing. Discounted Cash Flow is a method to evaluate the value of an investment based on future cash flow. It determines the value of an investment based on how much money will generate by this investment. This applies to the investors and entrepreneurs who want to make changes in their businesses. Our discounted payback period calculator calculates the discount cash flow accurately and provides you with the complete cash flow in the form of table.

Nevertheless, if you are evaluating or comparing investment cases for your company, you can use it as a rough yet handy indicator of the time to the repayment of an investment. So, the two parts of the calculation (the cash flow and PV factor) are shown above. We can conclude from this that the DCF is the calculation of the PV factor and the actual cash inflow.

For instance, let’s say you own a retail company and are considering a proposed growth strategy that involves opening up new store locations in the hopes of benefiting from the expanded geographic reach.

The calculator requires you to enter the initial investment and the discount rate percentage besides your cash flow for up to 10 years. The calculator tells you whether or not your investment will be paid back in the given number of years for which you have entered the cash flow. Besides, it tells you what the average payback will be for the number of years you have entered the cash flow for. It also gives you insights into how much time it will take for the investment to be paid back if things continue that way. It also tells you the average yearly discounted payback amount for first couple of years.

How do you calculate the payback period?

It is a rate that is applied to future payments in order to compute the present value or subsequent value of said future payments. For example, an investor may determine the net present value (NPV) of investing in something by discounting the cash flows they expect to receive in the future using an appropriate discount rate. It’s similar to determining how much money the investor currently needs to invest at this same rate in order to get the same cash flows at the same time in the future. Discount rate is useful because it can take future expected payments from different periods and discount everything to a single point in time for comparison purposes. The Payback Period Calculator can calculate payback periods, discounted payback periods, average returns, and schedules of investments.

payback statistic calculator

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Positive Predictive Value Calculator

Discounted payback period will usually be greater than regular payback period. Investments with higher cash flows toward the end of their lives will have greater discounting. It can help to use other metrics in financial decision making such as DCF analysis, or the internal rate of return (IRR), which is the discount rate that makes the NPV of all cash flows of an investment equal to zero. When you’re going for investment in a project, it is crucial to know about the fixed cash flow and irregular cash flow. Simply, consider this free payback period calculator helps to get the estimated values of the payback period for regular and irregular cash flow. Before taking any decision with this payback calculator, consult with your finance manager.

Give a brief read to this article for a better understanding of how to calculate the payback period with this payback calculator and step by step, payback period formula, and certain helpful terms. In addition, the potential returns and estimated payback time of alternative projects the company could pursue instead can also be an influential determinant in the decision (i.e. opportunity costs). If investors going to invest in some projects, then they must know about the payback period.

If you select uneven cash flows, you need

to feed the calculator with annual net cash flows for up to 10 years. These

cash flows can be positive, negative or 0, whichever you are forecasting for a

certain year. However, if you are investing your money, you are probably expecting that most,

if not all, subsequent cash flows are positive. Initially an investment of $100,000 can be expected to make an income of $35k per annum for 4 years.

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Due to its ease of use, payback period is a common method used to express return on investments, though it is important to note it does not account for the time value of money. As a result, payback period is best used in conjunction with other metrics. Perhaps the simplest method for evaluating the feasibility of undertaking a potential investment or project, the payback period is a fundamental capital budgeting tool in corporate finance. We should subtract the money inflows from $ initial expenditures for four years before completing the payback period. When we need to calculate the cumulative net cash flow for the irregular cash flow, use the following formula. The repayment of investment in the form of cash flows over the life of assets.

Next, the “Unrecovered Amount” represents the negative balance in the year preceding the year in which the cumulative net cash flow of the company exceeds zero. Also, our calculator performs calculations of net cash flow according to this formula. The amount obtains after taking the difference from the discounted cash flow is the net discounted cash flow. The Payback period is an indicator of the repayment characteristics of an investment. It basically answers the question of how long it takes for the investment to amortize.

  • Thus, the calculator will only show a

    single cash flow input field if you select this type.

  • Use this payback period calculator for calculating payback period, average return, discounted payback period and the investment schedules.
  • It gives the number of years it takes to earn back the initial investment from undertaking the expenditures like discounting the cash flows and admitting the time value of money.
  • If investors going to invest in some projects, then they must know about the payback period.
  • The calculator requires the amounts of the

    initial investment and the projected cash flows.

As a rule of thumb, the shorter the payback period, the better for an investment. Forecasted future cash flows are discounted backward in time to determine a present value estimate, which is evaluated to conclude whether an investment is worthwhile. In DCF analysis, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the discount rate used to compute the present value of future cash flows. WACC is the calculation of a firm’s cost of capital, where each category of capital, such as equity or bonds, is proportionately weighted. For more detailed cash flow analysis, WACC is usually used in place of discount rate because it is a more accurate measurement of the financial opportunity cost of investments. It is a useful way to work out how long it takes to get your capital back from the cash flows.

What is payback rule?

If the PBP is 4, for example, this means that the initial investment is recovered in the 4th period. The reason is that the longer the money is tied up, there are fewer chances to invest it anywhere else. If you have a fixed cash flow then entered the values in the given fields of the fixed cash flow portion. Make sure you also have a look at our other finance calculators when you are assessing investments. The cash flows are even, I.e. the amount is

the same for each and every period. Thus, the calculator will only show a

single cash flow input field if you select this type.

Also, this discounted payback period calculator estimates the cumulative cash flow discounted cash flow and cash flow of each year. Quit worrying as you can calculate the results from fixed or irregular cash flow each year by using this calculator. For instance, a $2,000 investment at the start of the first year that returns $1,500 after the first year and $500 at the end of the second year has a two-year payback period.

So, try this payback period calculator to determine how long the project recovers the investment. According to the basic definition, the time period from present to when an investment will be completely paid referred to as the payback time period. This analysis helps the investors to compare investment chances and decide which project has the shortest payback period.

The investment, which is normally an outflow

in period 0, represents a negative cash flow. The calculator requires the amounts of the

initial investment and the projected cash flows. If opening the new stores amounts to an initial investment of $400,000 and the expected cash flows from the stores would be $200,000 each year, then the period would be 2 years. It gives the number of years it takes to earn back the initial investment from undertaking the expenditures like discounting the cash flows and admitting the time value of money. The discounted payback period of 7.27 years is longer than the 5 years as calculated by the regular payback period because the time value of money is factored in.

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