The Systemic Implications Of Bail

Even if creditors do not encounter net losses because of the swap, the swap exposes the new equity holders to any future losses by being thrust to the bottom of the claim hierarchy. So, for all these reasons, those involved in the commercial banking sector will pressurise the regulators, and the politicians, to impose as low a recapitalisation target as seems consistent with a reasonable chance of successful recovery. Our evidence presented also suggests, however, that the current policy parameters might be in the regime of instability. The present bail-in design will allow idiosyncratic shocks to be handled effectively for smaller SIBs, but its application to more systemic crises and larger SIBs remains, as of now, problematic . The orange lines show that ‘poorly’ designed bail-ins could exacerbate financial distress by increasing contagious asset losses by multiple trillions of euros.


In the paper, we explain some of the political economy incentives and concerns that the main parties to the running of the bail-in system, notably the regulated banks and the regulatory authorities, but also other stakeholders, will have had. It was difficult enough to get the main principles of bail-in resolution accepted and endorsed by all concerned.

Principles On Bail

The document published today describes elements that banks should consider with regard to the write-down and conversion of international bearer debt securities issued by and safekept in the ICSDs. 1 And so is the recapitalisation target proposed under BRRD II, which is equal to a bank’s minimum capital requirement plus its combined regulatory buffer minus its applicable countercyclical capital buffer. The overall findings in our paper show, perhaps surprisingly, that a possible shift towards stability remains in the hands of policymakers – even in systemic crises .

  • In court they could argue that their property rights were infringed upon unduly or that the no-creditor-worse-off principle was violated.
  • The NCWO principle states that resolution authorities should seek to ensure that no creditor or shareholder is expected to incur greater net losses than it would have incurred in winding up the bank under normal insolvency proceedings.
  • Read about FSB members’ commitment to lead by example in terms of their adherence to international standards.
  • Bail-outs are designed to keep creditors happy and interest rates low, while bail-ins are ideal in situations where bail-outs are politically difficult or impossible, and creditors aren’t keen on the idea of a liquidation event.
  • In sum, the novel point is that banks should be recapitalised sufficiently in excess of their minimum capital requirements and regulatory buffers so that they are unlikely to de-lever or suffer funding outflows following the bail-in.
  • Most people are familiar with the concept of a bailout followingglobal economic crisis, when many governments were forced to rescue private institutions.
  • To evaluate the systemic implications of the bail-in design, we built on a multi-layered network model of the European financial system developed by Farmer et al. .

In addition to ours, various papers report on and model this phenomenon, including Greenwood et al. and Cont and Schaanning . The structural bail-in design consists of the parameters that tend to apply structurally through time and across a set of banks. The bank-structural design consists of a-priori debt exclusions, loss absorption requirements, uncertainty in the bank-specific bail-in design and the speed to complete a bail-in.

Examples Of Bail Ins

The cost of debt is the return that a company provides to its debtholders and creditors. Similar strategies have been used in the airline industry to keep them running throughout bankruptcy proceedings and other turmoil. In these scenarios, the companies were able to reduce the payments to creditors in exchange for equity in the reorganized company, effectively enabling the lenders to save some of their investment and the companies to stay afloat. The airlines would then benefit from the reduced debt load and their equities – including that issued to debt holders – would increase in value. While both bail-ins and bail-outs are designed to keep the borrowing institution afloat, they take two very different approaches to accomplishing this goal. Bail-outs are designed to keep creditors happy and interest rates low, while bail-ins are ideal in situations where bail-outs are politically difficult or impossible, and creditors aren’t keen on the idea of a liquidation event.

Germany has pushed for depositors in Cypriot banks to help pay for the rescue, a process known as a “bail-in”. Farmer, J D, A M Kleinnijenhuis, P Nahai-Williamson and T Wetzer , “Foundations of system-wide financial stress testing with heterogeneous institutions”, Bank of England Working Paper. A bail-in is an effective way of preventing a financial institution from becoming insolvent.

Derivatives are the investments that banks make among each other, which are supposed to be used to hedge their portfolios. However, the 25 largest banks hold more than $247 trillion in derivatives, which poses a tremendous amount of risk to the financial system. To avoid a potential calamity, the Dodd-Frank Act gives preference to derivative claims.

Difference Between Bank Bail

Once these four parameters have been specified, the resolution authority knows how to carry out the bail-in of a failing bank. To evaluate the systemic implications of the bail-in design, we built on a multi-layered network model of the European financial system developed by Farmer et al. . In the European system, the Bank Resolution and Recovery Directive governs the bail-in process. Then, we calibrated this model using S&P Global Market Intelligence data and the 2018 European Banking Authority disclosures of the stress test results.


In contrast, non-bail-in debt is not subject to rollover risk in our model, as it is practically immune from losses. To give a preview of the key take-away message of this column, our findings indicate that the too-big-to-fail problem remains essentially unresolved at present. Our results suggest that bail-ins under their current design are not a credible alternative to a bailouts in severe financial crises, such as the GFC, or in cases of idiosyncratic failures of the largest SIBs. On the positive side, our results also suggest that a possible shift towards financial stability remains in the hands of policymakers – even in systemic crises – if bail-in design parameters are changed from their ‘poor’ to ‘good’ values. A bail-in is a relief or rescue strategy offered to a financial institution that is on the verge of collapse.

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A bail-out is when outside investors rescue a borrower by injecting money to help service a debt. Bail-outs of failing banks in Greece, Portugal and Iceland were primarily financed by taxpayers.


One of the most important elements of the post-crisis financial reforms was to establish credible resolution frameworks allowing for creditor bail-in when banks are entering resolution. Using granular data on the securities cross-holdings among the largest euro area banking groups, we construct a multi-layered network model where each layer represents bail-inable securities of a specific seniority layer of the creditor hierarchy. The model can be a useful tool for resolution authorities to inform the policy discussion on both the composition and level of loss absorbing capacity of banks and the direct contagion risk following a bail-in.

Single Resolution Board Srb

This involved a large number of numerical exercises, and there is only space in this column to go through the two that we consider most salient. These are the effects of the choice within the set of bank-specific design parameters, first, of good and poor values for the failure threshold, and then for recapitalisation.

All three are too weak.1This, obviously, is a somewhat subjective matter and leaves a lot of leeway for the concerns and incentives of those involved. While the self-interest of the regulatory authorities is for a high target to promote financial resilience, the self-interest and incentives of all those involved in the bank itself are for the lowest possible target. Taxpayers benefit the most from bail-in clauses, especially if there is an ongoing financial crisis where institutions need to be protected from failure and complete bankruptcy. By putting the pressure on creditors, bail-ins protect the taxpayers’ money and allow it to be allocated on public sector expenditure for better healthcare, infrastructure, and defense systems. Investors and deposit-holders in a troubled financial institution would prefer to keep the organization solvent rather than face the alternative of losing the full value of their investments or deposits in a crisis.

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The SRF ensures that the financial industry as a whole ensures the stabilisation of the financial system. All banks across the 21 Banking Union countries must pay a fee annually by law to the SRF. The second part of the answer is that a stronger recapitalisation means that a bank in our model has fewer incentives to de-lever to attain a more resilient capital ratio, one that is further removed from its minimum capital ratio where failure is likely.

The SRB and the national resolution authorities work with banks and credit institutions to ensure everything is in place should a resolution be needed. According to The Economist, the magazine that coined the term “bail-in”, a bail-in occurs when the borrower’s creditors are forced to bear some of the burden by having a portion of their debt written off. For example, bondholders in Cyprus banks and depositors with more than 100,000 euros in their accounts were forced to write-off a portion of their holdings. This approach eliminates some of the risk for taxpayers by forcing other creditors to share in the pain and suffering. With a bank bail-in, the bank uses the money of its unsecured creditors, including depositors and bondholders, to restructure their capital so it can stay afloat. In effect, the bank is allowed to convert its debt into equity for the purpose of increasing its capital requirements. A bank can undergo a bail-in quickly through a resolution proceeding, which provides immediate relief to the bank.

The Economist Explainswhat Is A Bail

If a loan agreement includes a bail-in clause, lenders may charge a higher interest rate to compensate for the additional risk of losing a portion of their debt share in case of bankruptcy or financial distress. Bail-Ins and bailouts both carry the risk of creating a moral hazard problem among the distressed institutions. By offering the institution a way out of financial trouble, bail-in clauses may encourage irrational and risky behavior that can lead to turmoil in the future. In case of financial distress to the institution , the depositors are unlikely to lose money if the funds to keep the institution running are provided by creditors. While the public became familiar with the subject of bailouts in the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2008, bail-ins attracted attention in 2013 after government officials resorted to the strategy in Cyprus. As discussed in The National Herald, the consequences were that uninsured depositors in the Bank of Cyprus lost a substantial portion of their deposits.


It shows that early implementation of a bail-in and stronger bank recapitalisation lead to lower contagion losses. However, current bail-in design seems to be in the region of instability and the political economy of incentives makes reforms unlikely in the near future. What we find in our numerical exercises is that the later a bank is bailed-in (i.e. the lower the failing-likely-to-fail threshold is set), the higher the system’s contagious losses are. The less important but obvious reason is that a bank that is bailed-in earlier requires fewer haircuts to be recapitalised to a given recapitalisation target, thereby limiting the potential scope of exposure losses to the bank’s creditors which could spur further contagion.

An alternative solution could be a metric based on multiple requirements (Buckmann et al. 2021). A tricky issue that must be resolved for any failure trigger to be effective is how to avoid equity death spirals in anticipation of the trigger event. It is based on insider approach, in which investors and bondholders in the financial institution write off their debts to keep the institution form crisis. Depositors in the U.S. are protected by theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures each bank account for up to $250,000. In a bail-in scenario, financial institutions would only use the amount of deposits that are in excess of a customer’s 250,000 balance. The Single Resolution Fund is an emergency fund that can be called upon in times of crisis. It can be used to ensure the efficient application of resolution tools for resolving the failing banks, after other options, such as the bail-in tool, have been exhausted.

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The FSB consulted on the guidance in November 2017 and this final version of the guidance incorporates changes to reflect public feedback. Creditors take losses in bail-ins while they are prevented from losses in bail-outs. Gain the confidence you need to move up the ladder in a high powered corporate finance career path. Politicians may use the bail-in clause over the bailout clause in order to gain traction and favor among taxpayers, who are also the voters that decide the outcomes of elections.

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