Uncollectible Accounts Receivable Definition and Accounting

accounts receivable that cannot be collected

To compensate for this problem, accountants have developed “allowance methods” to account for uncollectible accounts. Importantly, an allowance method must be used except in those cases where bad debts are not material (and for tax purposes where tax rules often stipulate that a direct write-off approach is to be used). Allowance methods will result in the recording of an estimated bad debts expense in the same period as the related credit sales, and generally result in a fairer balance sheet valuation for outstanding receivables. As will soon be shown, the actual write-off in a subsequent period will generally not impact income.

  • Our mission is to empower readers with the most factual and reliable financial information possible to help them make informed decisions for their individual needs.
  • Also, note that when writing off the specific account, no income statement accounts are used.
  • For example, a company may assign a heavier weight to the clients that make up a larger balance of accounts receivable due to conservatism.
  • If a company has a history of recording or tracking bad debt, it can use the historical percentage of bad debt if it feels that historical measurement relates to its current debt.

Regardless of company policies and procedures for credit collections, the risk of the failure to receive payment is always present in a transaction utilizing credit. Thus, a company is required to realize this risk through the establishment of the allowance for doubtful accounts and offsetting bad debt expense. In accordance with the matching principle of accounting, this ensures that expenses related to the sale are recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue is earned. The allowance for doubtful accounts also helps companies more accurately estimate the actual value of their account receivables. The allowance for doubtful accounts is a general ledger account that is used to estimate the amount of accounts receivable that will not be collected.

How do I record Uncollectible Accounts Receivable in my accounting records?

If actual experience differs, then management adjusts its estimation methodology to bring the reserve more into alignment with actual results. An allowance for doubtful accounts is a contra account that nets against the total receivables presented on the balance sheet to reflect only the amounts expected to be paid. The allowance for doubtful accounts estimates the percentage of accounts receivable that are expected to be uncollectible.

accounts receivable that cannot be collected

With over 25+ years of expertise, First Credit Services is an omnichannel debt collection agency and BPO company that offers top-notch services with a focus on accounts receivables management and customer service outsourcing. For bookkeeping, it will write off the amount with journal entries as a debit to allowance for doubtful accounts and credit to accounts receivable. When it is confirmed that the company will not receive payment, this will be reflected in the income statement with the amount not collected as bad debt expense. An allowance for doubtful accounts is considered a “contra asset,” because it reduces the amount of an asset, in this case the accounts receivable. The allowance, sometimes called a bad debt reserve, represents management’s estimate of the amount of accounts receivable that will not be paid by customers.

When Does an Account Become Uncollectible?

While assets have natural debit balances and increase with a debit, contra assets have natural credit balance and increase with a credit. If a customer has not paid after three months, the amount may be assigned under “aged” receivables, and if more time passes, the vendor could classify it as a “doubtful” account. At this point, the company believes that receiving all or part of the outstanding amount is doubtful, and will, therefore, debit the bad debt amount and credit allowance for doubtful accounts. Consider why the direct write-off method is not to be used in those cases where bad debts are material; what is “wrong” with the method? That is, costs related to the production of revenue are reported during the same time period as the related revenue (i.e., “matched”). While the direct write-off method is simple, it is only acceptable in those cases where bad debts are immaterial in amount.

Two methods are commonly used for recognizing uncollectible accounts expense in the books of seller. Yes, allowance accounts that offset gross receivables are reported under the current asset section of the balance sheet. This type of account is a contra asset that reduces the amount of the gross accounts receivable account.

Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts

Accounts uncollectible are receivables, loans, or other debts that have virtually no chance of being paid. An account may become uncollectible for many reasons, including the debtor’s bankruptcy, an inability to find the debtor, fraud on the part of the debtor, or lack of proper documentation to prove that debt exists. In preparing a balance sheet, the dollar balance in the Allowance account is netted against the dollar balance of gross accounts receivable.

accounts receivable that cannot be collected

Giving credit entails the risk that the debtor won’t keep his or her end of the bargain when it comes to payment. If it is assessed that it cannot be collected, an accounts receivables turns into an uncollectible account or bad debt. That does not, however, imply that you should passively accept the danger and do nothing to mitigate it. The company can recover the account by reversing the entry above to reinstate the accounts receivable balance and the corresponding allowance for the doubtful account balance. Then, the company will record a debit to cash and credit to accounts receivable when the payment is collected. You’ll notice that because of this, the allowance for doubtful accounts increases.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts and Bad Debt Expenses

The entry is not to the Uncollectible Accounts Expense account because we are assuming that the $6,000 is included in the $12,500 debit to expense as part of the December 31, 2019 adjusting entry. This requires estimating the uncollectible account expense in the period of the sale. Accounts that have almost little chance of being repaid, whether they are receivables, loans, or other obligations, are deemed uncollectible. Where selling goods on credit is a good way to expand business in terms of sales and profit, it also involves a risk of uncollectibles.

The debit part of the adjusting entry is made to the Uncollectible Accounts Expense account. An estimate is required because it is impossible to know with certainty which accounts outstanding at the end of the year will become uncollectible during the next year. During the year, similar entries are made to record other accounts declared uncollectible. This entry is a reversal, in the amount of $400, of the entry to write off the receivable. The first two entries are the usual ones to record sales on account and the subsequent collection of cash.

Uncollectible accounts

For this example, let’s say a company predicts it will incur $500,000 of uncollected accounts receivable. A Pareto analysis is a risk measurement approach that states that a majority of activity is often concentrated among a small amount of accounts. In many different aspects of business, a rough estimation is that 80% of account receivable balances are made up of a small concentration (i.e. 20%) of vendors. Some companies may classify different types of debt or different types of vendors using risk classifications.

What Are Accounts Uncollectible, Example

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