What Is Mezzanine Financing?

According to Standard & Poor’s, domestic and foreign banks have been steadily reducing the amount of leveraged loan new issuance they retain, from over 70% of primary issuance in the 1990s to less than 20% in recent years. Additionally, banks are more likely to lend to a company with mezzanine funding, as the mezzanine lender is usually an institutional investor whose presence reduces the risk of lending to the company. In addition, quickly expanding companies grow in value and restructure mezzanine financing into one senior loan at a lower interest rate, saving on interest costs in the long term. Mezzanine loans often give the mezzanine fund lender a chance to convert to equity if the agreed amount of the loan is not paid back within the stipulated time period or terms. Investments in debt instruments entail normal credit risks (i.e., the risk of non-payment of interest and principal) and market risks (i.e., the risk that certain market factors will cause the value of the instrument to decline). A default on a loan or a sudden and extreme increase in prevailing interest rates may cause a decline in a portfolio holding such investments. As the global economy recovered in 2009 and 2010, we raised our third fund and refocused our strategy on junior debt investing.

You can either negotiate mezzanine debt transaction with a company or invest in a private fund structure that pools investments together for the sole purpose of investing in mezzanine debt. By joining a private-fund structure with many other investors, your risk may be significantly reduced.

  • Oaktree works closely with private equity sponsors in conducting thorough and complete private-side due diligence, acting as the sole, lead or co-lead investor in most of its mezzanine debt transactions.
  • You also need to assess the capacity of your company to service the debt—particularly the final balloonlike payment in a warrant buy-back.
  • Mezzanine loans can often be converted to equity if the agreed amount of the loan is not paid back within the stipulated time period or terms.
  • An individual who owns stock in a company is called a shareholder and is eligible to claim part of the company’s residual assets and earnings .
  • When you’re looking to invest your money into different properties, mezzanine debt often allows you to seek higher interest rates than senior debt holders.
  • It can help cover the difference between the equity they have to put into a transaction and the senior debt financing available from lenders.
  • After making an investment, mezzanine debt investors usually receive monthly or quarterly financial statements.

NewSpring Mezzanine partners with business owners—either independently or with other financial sponsors—to build growth, acquisitions, and recapitalizations by providing mezzanine debt and equity structures. Whether expensive debt or cheap equity, mezzanine financing is a viable option for companies that need additional capital but don’t want to sell the business or lose control. Like other offerings from Prudential Private Capital, mezzanine financing is patient capital that nurtures business growth for the long term. Mezzanine financing bridges the gap between debt and equity financing and is one of the highest-risk forms of debt. However, this means that it also offers some of the highest returns when compared to other debt types, as it often receives rates between 12% and 20% per year, and sometimes as high as 30%. These loan structures can involve collateral for firms with less robust cash flows or even little or no collateral for strong cash flowing companies.

Related Terms

That being said, as shown in Figure 4, the pool of uninvested private equity capital available for leveraged buyouts remained large, helping maintain the demand for mezzanine debt. As shown in Figure 5, private equity firms’ equity contributions to buyout transactions also remained high (particularly compared to pre- crisis levels), mitigating risk to lenders.

As highlighted in Figure 2, the minimum issuance size for a company to access today’s high yield bond market is generally $200 million or more. In other words, most middle-market businesses do not have the financing need or the ability to access the high yield bond market. By creating a capital structure with a ‘‘right-sized’’ combination of mezzanine debt and bank borrowings, middle-market companies can leverage their equity capital to generate attractive returns for their owners. There are several risks that you should be aware of when you invest in mezzanine debt. It’s important to understand that a mezzanine debt investment is going to be structured as a long-term investment, which means that there’s less liquidity with this investment type. It’s very difficult to liquidate a mezzanine debt loan until it has reached maturity. If the property fails, senior debt holders will have access to any remaining funds and assets before you.

mezannine capital

In other words, when a company goes out of business, the senior debt holders get paid first by liquidating the company’s assets. If there are no assets remaining after the senior debt gets paid off, mezzanine lenders lose out.

What Is A Mezzanine Fund?

Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. While it’s certainly not as well-known as other types of capital, we think you’ll find mezzanine to be an option well worth being acquainted with – and we can help you with just that. It reduces the amount of equity needed to fund an acquisition or expansion project. Debt is available at a reasonable price or without excessive restrictions, but the company cannot assume the risk of a floating interest rate.

Equity financing may have to be ruled out too—either because venture capitalists aren’t interested in the company or because they want more equity than the owners are prepared to surrender. Moreover, compared with a public offering, a mezzanine financing package avoids the high registration and other transaction costs that can consume a large part of the gross proceeds from a public offering.

Oaktree tries to be opportunistic with respect to deal flow and to select those transactions that provide the best risk-adjusted returns. Oaktree has a proprietary private equity deal-sourcing network, which has been built across market cycles since the inception of the strategy in 2001. We are exceptionally proud of the fact that over 15 years, more than 70% of our investments have been with repeat sponsors, a statistic that highlights our relationship-oriented approach.

How Do I Invest In Mezzanine Debt

We made our last investment in our third fund in early 2015, and are well on our way investing our fourth fund, which has made 13 investments. Furthermore, the option of converting to equity may increase the investor’s returns if the company starts doing well.

  • These 10 real estate plays are the best ways to invest in real estate right now.
  • The best aspects of mezzanine capital include the regular cash returns that you should receive along with the potential for high returns over the length of the loan.
  • The main idea of raising the mezzanine debt fund is to lower the risk of losing capital assets and equity.
  • Collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”) and business development companies (“BDCs”) also invest in second lien loans, an asset class that is a competitive replacement for mezzanine debt.
  • Because of this uncertainty, many mezzanine investors want a guaranteed buy-back provision for their warrants or other equity instruments in the deal.
  • They may, for example, demand the right to put the warrants back to the company—an arrangement that resembles the large balloon payment of some mortgages and other debt packages.

100 million) are the primary market and because the level of risk is intermediate—falling midway between low-risk senior debt and high-risk equity financing. It is the profitability of mezzanine financing, however, that accounts for its rapid growth. To reduce the true cost of capital and to earn a higher return from using debt funds, companies that are properly established and have goodwill in the market follow some capital structures. Many companies that have good capital structures earn between 5-12 percent from their senior debt funds, percent from mezzanine funding and more than 25 percent from their equity funding.

Newspring Mezzanine Companies

Even if you don’t receive any return from the equity that you’ve purchased, most of your initial investment can be recouped with mezzanine capital. We invested our first Mezzanine fund between 2001 and 2006, focusing on providing junior debt capital for sponsored middle-market leveraged buyouts.

mezannine capital

In addition, mezzanine financing providers receive contractually obligated interest payments monthly, quarterly, or annually. An investor needs to weigh the pros and cons of utilizing mezzanine financing to decide whether it’s their best option. While it reduces the amount of equity they need to put up in a transaction and can boost their returns on that investment, it also increases their risk. It raises the leverage level of the property, which cuts both ways as it increases profits when the investment pays off but results in bigger losses if something goes wrong.

What Does Mezzanine Fund Mean?

The main difference between mezzanine debt and senior debt is that the latter doesn’t include any amount of equity. While mezzanine debt is lower on the capital stack than preferred equity and common equity, there’s still a considerable amount of risk attached to this form of investment. Unlike preferred equity or common equity, there is a kind of collateral available with mezzanine debt and senior debt. Mezzanine capital is a type of financing that’s made up of part equity and part debt. While senior debt holders use the property as collateral, the mezzanine capital investment is made against the property cash flow.

We will explore the following six topics in order to provide a foundation for investing in mezzanine debt. For example, Bank XYZ provides Company ABC, a maker of surgical devices, with $15 million in mezzanine financing. The funding replaced a higher interest $10 million credit line with more favorable terms.

These features typically provide a company’s banks or senior lenders with comfort in their senior position, and, as a result, mezzanine financing is often preferred by first lien senior lenders relative to second lien loans or other debt alternatives. Following the end of the financial crisis, competitive conditions in the mezzanine debt market intensified as investors searched for yield in a low-interest-rate environment. CLOs, BDCs, commercial lenders and private funds all participated in driving down returns and loosening financing terms.

Oaktree believes this was due to reduced confidence in the overall economic environment and the impact of the oil and gas industry dislocation on businesses with exposure to the sector. The owners of middle-market companies will often hold off commencing a sale process until weakness in the underlying business abates or buyer financing becomes more attractive. Collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”) and business development companies (“BDCs”) also invest in second lien loans, an asset class that is a competitive replacement for mezzanine debt. CLOs are securitized vehicles where payments from multiple loans are pooled together and passed on to different classes of owners in various tranches.

Because of the contractual interest return that you will have made with the borrower, the volatility of this type of investment is typically lower. In most cases, the interest rate that’s negotiated when making a mezzanine debt investment is around 15 percent. If you are looking to take on some risk with your investment portfolio but want some amount of protection with your investment, choosing mezzanine financing as your primary form of investment is a good option for your portfolio. While mezzanine debt isn’t secured by the property, it is secured by ownership interest. When you’re looking to invest your money into different properties, mezzanine debt often allows you to seek higher interest rates than senior debt holders. Since you will also hold some of the borrower’s equity interest, you can foreclose on this portion of the property in the event that the borrower defaults.

Mezzanine loans are subordinate to senior debt but have priority over both preferred and common stock. Mezzanine financing is a way for companies to raise funds for specific projects or to aide with an acquisition through a hybrid of debt and equity financing. Julius Mansa is a CFO consultant, finance and accounting professor, investor, and U.S. Department of State Fulbright research awardee in the field of financial technology. Outside of academia, Julius is a CFO consultant and financial business partner for companies that need strategic and senior-level advisory services that help grow their companies and become more profitable. Privately held firms cannot achieve the same sort of fluid capital flows as publicly held firms. However, mezzanine financing offers a way to deal with the need for increased capital without going public or giving up control.

NewSpring (the “Firm”), a family of private equity strategies, today announced that Kristin Lee has been promoted to the role of Partner of… Any offer of securities or funds may only be made pursuant to a confidential private placement memorandum, subscription documents and constituent documents in their final form.

mezannine capital

It’s a type of financial arrangement that gives the lender an option to convert the debt into equity on certain terms and conditions specified and agreed upon by both parties. This pool of capital invests in mezzanine debt opportunities such as capital for organic growth, acquisitions, recapitalizations or management buyouts.

Characteristics Of Mezzanine Debt

Mezzanine capital solves a financing dilemma facing many young companies—especially those that are three to five years beyond the start-up stage but lack the resources to fund sales growth or capital projects from earnings alone. For many of these businesses, long-term, straight-debt financing may be unavailable. Even when it is available, banks or other investors may want too high a rate of interest or may impose other terms unacceptable to the company’s management. At the time), the company’s owners preferred paying this high interest rate to surrendering more equity. An added bonus for the borrower was the bank’s willingness to view the subordinated debt as quasi-equity. On that basis, the bank provided additional senior debt for part of the company’s funding needs. More often than not, mezzanine debt is structured with a fixed coupon that is paid quarterly .

It is common for a private equity firm to provide capital in exchange for majority or complete ownership of a company in situations where mezzanine can be used instead, such as an acquisition or ownership transition. Rather than giving up control of the business, companies can turn to a mezzanine-supported recapitalization, or “minority recapitalization,” as an attractive alternative. Mezzanine financing is a hybrid of debt and equity financing that gives the lender the right to convert to an equity interest in the company in case of default, generally, after venture capital companies and other senior lenders are paid. Because mezzanine capital is a hybrid debt-equity investment, its providers view themselves as both lenders and investors and will thus look for an open, forthright relationship with you. You must decide whether you are prepared to discuss your operating strategies and growth opportunities with the lender. The company’s management may have provided firm assurances that it intends to take the company public or sell out within a reasonable period of time.

As its name implies, mezzanine debt is situated between the senior secured bank debt and the equity in an issuer or borrower’s capital structure. Mezzanine debt is typically used to finance leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations and corporate acquisitions. It is also an alternative to public or private equity for companies seeking growth capital. Typically junior in credit standing, mezzanine debt provides additional capital beyond senior secured debt. As shown in Figure 1, mezzanine debt typically takes the form of senior unsecured or subordinated notes, or second lien debt.

So, What Is Mezzanine Financing Exactly?

Ultimately, it is most important to find a mezzanine financing provider who will be a strong partner that supports the goals of your company. When you need capital beyond what your senior lenders will extend, look no further than mezzanine. Mezzanine financing is an important funding tool for real estate transactions. You also need to assess the capacity of your company to service the debt—particularly the final balloonlike payment in a warrant buy-back. Finally, you’ll probably have to accept loan covenants that may limit your freedom to run your business the way you want. Management can raise capital by selling equity but investors either are unwilling to pay what the owners consider a fair price or are asking for too much equity. Return on Equity is a measure of a company’s profitability that takes a company’s annual return divided by the value of its total shareholders’ equity (i.e. 12%).

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