What is Total Quality Management?

benefits of tqm

The team earned the “Award of Distinction” in the 2010 Education Team Excellence Award process. Enroll in the IBQMI TQM TRAINER® program and learn how to become a corporate senior trainer. Our award industry-recognized IBQMI TQM TRAINER® certification program is widely accepted as the gold standard in the industry. The method that evolved during the 1950s and 1960s eventually became known as Total Quality Management.

Originally, Toyota adopted a somewhat related practice called statistical quality control (SQC) in 1949. They iterated on this in 1951 with the launch of the Creative Idea Suggest System which was loosely based on a suggestion system used by their competitor, Ford. Toyota was awarded the Deming Application Prize in 1965 for their major advances in quality improvement. In 1994, the “Toyota Group Executive TQM Training Course” was established, which provided deep TQM training for all executives.

TQM has no single agreed-upon approach but does follow eight guiding principles that focus on improving quality. With members and customers in over 130 countries, ASQ brings together the people, ideas and tools that make our world work better. ASQ celebrates the unique perspectives of our community of members, staff and those served by our society. Collectively, we are the voice of quality, and we increase the use and impact of quality in response to the diverse needs in the world.

In 2008, Tata Steel created the Performance Improvement Committee to drive continuous performance improvement. Performance Improvement Groups were established for iron making, steel making, flat rolling, long rolling, maintenance and more. The increasing competition challenges the organization to meet the ever-increasing consumer market demands. TQM practices help understand the market trends and competition to develop effective strategies to overcome the same. ASQ has collected a series of total quality management case studies to illustrate the impact a TQM system can have on your organization. Although Deming, Juran, Shewhart and others published numerous papers and books on TQM, many organizations adopted different TQM trends or only parts of the TQM principles and evolved some of TQM’s ideas to meet their own needs.

Among these teachings was Deming’s belief that ordinary workers had a role to play in quality control. Another example of TQM occurred at Tata Steel, a steel-making company based in India and a subsidiary of Tata Group. They sought to ensure value creation in a system that covered customers and suppliers.

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Exxon implemented TQM after the Exxon-Valdez oil spill of 1989 to help them recover their brand image by focusing on the customer experience and relation to their product. This helped them improve their brand image but they have seen challenges recently as consumer mindset and regulatory environments shift. U.S. producers throughout the 1970s and 1980s adopted quality and productivity methods, including TQM, to better compete in the increasingly global marketplace. Deming further developed Shewhart’s ideas in post-World War II Japan, where the U.S. government had positioned him to advise Japanese leaders on the rebuilding efforts taking place there in the late 1940s and 1950s. Working with the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, Deming taught and lectured on statistical quality control, while adding his own ideas about quality control in the process.

Whereas TQM facilitates effective communication and interaction among members of different departments and hierarchies of management. It is based on the principle of preventing defective products/services rather than being at the expense of quality failure cost. Companies such as Toyota Motors and Motorola have bought into manufacturing cost reductions by implementing TQM techniques. One of the main disadvantages of TQM is the need for company-wide commitment to quality improvement, and the difficulty of achieving this commitment. All levels of management must be on board for the program to be truly successful.

  • Our award industry-recognized IBQMI TQM TRAINER® certification program is widely accepted as the gold standard in the industry.
  • The variant happens to be ‘superior quality.’ ‘Quality,’ a determining factor, which outstands a product or service from its competitors, plays a crucial role in business.
  • Since these cost reductions flow straight through to bottom-line profits without any additional costs being incurred, there can be a startling increase in profitability.
  • Toyota Motor Corporation is a well-known example of an organization that has successfully implemented Total Quality Management (TQM) principles.
  • The internal stakeholders (employees and investors) get lucrative incentives and good returns, respectively, while external stakeholders (customers) get superior quality goods.

Any lack of effort or resources will undermine the success of a TQM program, causing negative ripples throughout the company. Moreover, as business needs for efficiency, productivity and quality have further evolved, many organizations have adopted other, more modern management techniques. Although TQM is still influential, other management techniques, such as Six Sigma and lean manufacturing, which better address organizational goals for the 21st century, have replaced it in many businesses. Toyota’s commitment to TQM has helped the company consistently produce high-quality vehicles, maintain customer satisfaction, and remain one of the leading automakers globally. Their approach demonstrates the benefits of adopting TQM principles, which can be adapted to various industries and organizations. TQM enables organizations to research any undergoing challenges/ problems to come up with solutions for the same.

Disadvantages of TQM: Requires Deep Commitment

The idea of total quality management originated in the manufacturing sector, but the principles of TQM can really be used by any type of company. Because it focuses on long-term value and impact versus short-term wins, it is a great way for organizations to implement systemic change as they mature. One of the top examples of manufacturing companies that have successfully implemented TQM and kaizen principles is Toyota.

benefits of tqm

The focus on using high quality information to improve processes reduces waste and saves time, leading to reduced expenses that can be passed along to clients in the form of lower prices. Companies that successfully implement TQM are able to reduce variability, providing the consistency that customers value. TQM works best in an environment where it is strongly supported by management, it is implemented by employee teams, and there is a continual focus on process improvement that prevents errors from occurring. Since the company has better products and services, and its interactions with customers are relatively error-free, there should be fewer customer complaints. Fewer complaints may also mean that the resources devoted to customer service can be reduced. A higher level of customer satisfaction may also lead to increased market share, as existing customers act on the company’s behalf to bring in more customers.

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Therefore, it is evident that TQM brings tangible results like superior product quality, reduction in costs, increased profitability, increased market share, and productivity. But, intangible returns like better communication, teamwork, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, goodwill, and increased employee morale. However, TQM also requires employees to undergo a substantial duration of training period, company-wide involvement, and participation in quality improvement.

Many credit the Japanese application of TQM as a significant contributor to the country’s economic recovery following World War II, as well as its midcentury industrial successes. Quality control methods evolved in subsequent decades, with industrial engineer Joseph Juran first employing Shewhart’s methods and, later, in 1951, publishing his influential book, Juran’s Quality Control Handbook. ‘Total Quality Management, often abbreviated as ‘TQM,’’ is the practice introduced by a famous American management consultant, William Deming, who greatly influenced Japanese manufacturing. Branch-Smith Printing reached its goal of receiving the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, thanks in part to its robust quality information database.

Implementation principles and processes

TQM applies a systematic approach by assigning quality improvement teams to reduce unessential tasks and waste of resources, thus, bringing in efficiency. These processes when applied will help your business or company become successful and beat your competition. However, TQM also requires a significant training period for those employees involved in it. Since the training can take people away from their regular work, this can actually have a negative short-term effect on costs. Also, since TQM tends to result in a continuing series of incremental changes, it can generate an adverse reaction from those employees who prefer the current system, or who feel that they may lose their jobs because of it. Many organizations struggle with a non-engaging and non-participative attitude of the employees.

Thus, organizations escalate their research and bring in innovative marketing decisions. The implemented innovative approach to the core and peripheral services attracts customers. Learn more about the benefits of continuous improvement processes and how a model-based approach contributes to creating a strong enterprise architecture. All departments that contribute to the creation of a product or service — including design, engineering and marketing teams — participate in TQM.

What are the Benefits of Total Quality Management?

In 2013 she transformed her most recent venture, a farmers market concession and catering company, into a worker-owned cooperative. She does one-on-one mentoring and consulting focused on entrepreneurship and practical business skills. Now that we know the several benefits of TQM, needless to say, it should be an integral management technique for every organization. A cross-functional team at RIMS, a graduate business school in India, used TQM principles to improve measures of learning, faculty research, and graduate placement.

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